Alleviate Back Pain with a Breast Reduction in Dallas

You have no control over how large your breasts grow. Factors like genetics, medication use, and hormonal balances all influence the size and shape of your breasts. When the size of your bust is causing health issues like upper and middle back pain, you may want pain relief options that go beyond wearing a support bra and taking over-the-counter painkillers. You may experience permanent relief and get a smaller breast size and shape by undergoing a breast reduction procedure in Dallas.

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed in the comfort of our state-of-the-art surgical suite in Dallas. Prior to the operation, you will be given general anesthesia. From there, our surgeon can go in and reshape your breasts. Our surgeon can remove excess fatty tissue and skin to reduce the size of your breasts. Once the breast is reduced in size, our physician can close the area and you can start your recovery.

Breast Reduction Recovery

During your recovery at home, you should continue to wear your support garment and follow our team’s instructions regarding healing. It is important to take it as easy as possible during this time for optimal results. You also should use your over-the-counter or prescription medications and follow-up with all of your post-operative appointments with our surgeon. Once you have fully recovered, you can enjoy the results of your procedure for years to come, depending on the situation.

Alleviating Your Back and Neck Pain

Breasts that are too large in size and shape can cause you significant pain and distress. You may get the size and shape for your bust by going through a simple breast reduction procedure performed by Dr. Zachary Farris in Dallas, TX. This operation is available to women as well as men who suffer from conditions like gynecomastia. It is a great way to bring the breasts down to a size that is more in proportion with the rest of the body.

Dr. Zachary Farris and his team of professionals happily serve clients in the Dallas and surrounding areas. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation to learn more about a breast reduction!

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