Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures for Amplified Beauty

Sensual beautiful woman with long hair and perfect slim body posing in studio. Every face, everybody, is a culmination of unique features. None exist within a vacuum, meaning that every feature affects another. Your experienced plastic surgeon understands the nuances of the face and body and the ways in which all features relate to one another. This is why a surgeon like Dr. Farris can suggest ancillary procedures to achieve the very best outcomes. Here, we discuss the most common combinations of rejuvenating treatments.

Liposuction and Tummy Tuck

The midsection is a tricky area for most people. We can harbor belly fat due to our diet as well as our genes, stress, pregnancy, and other factors. The variety of reasons the body holds on to abdominal fat can make this problem very difficult to remedy with lifestyle habits alone. The tummy tuck procedure is performed to tighten the muscles that have gone lax. It also trims excess skin and removes a moderate amount of fatty tissue. Liposuction and abdominoplasty are complementary because each achieves a specific objective, and those objectives meet to bring about a stunning transformation.

Breast Augmentation and Tummy Tuck

Breast augmentation procedures have been leading the popularity polls for many years. Independent of other techniques, breast augmentation can beautifully alter a woman’s shape. The tummy tuck is complementary to breast rejuvenation because it enhances the curvature and transition between the breast area and the midsection. This combination is especially powerful for women who have been pregnant or have begun to notice the signs of aging such as loose breast and abdominal tissue.

Facelift and Dermal Fillers

Facelift surgery alone can produce exemplary results. However, this procedure, like all, has some limitations. Dermal fillers are complementary to facelift surgery in that a few injections of a select dermal filler can accentuate the youthful shape of the face. Surgery lifts the deep-plane tissues and also trims excess skin to achieve a smoother, tighter appearance. The inclusion of dermal fillers accentuates facial curves in a way that looks naturally beautiful.

Your Plastic Surgeon Can Help You Achieve your Cosmetic Goals

Whether you want to combine surgical body contouring or facial rejuvenation treatments, our team can develop the perfect plan. Contact our Dallas, TX office at (214) 363-1073 to schedule a consultation.

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