Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat with Liposuction

Exercising is not fun. But people do it every single day because they are concerned about their health, and they are concerned about their appearance. Dieting can be even harder than exercising. Yet people do it because they want to get rid of excess fat and keep themselves looking as attractive as possible.

It is frustrating for a person who has made the sacrifice to diet and exercise to look in the mirror and see that they still have fat lingering on their hips, on their stomach and on other parts of their body. Cosmetic procedures like liposuction are designed to help individuals remove that excess fat that they just can’t shake on their own.

This is not a weight loss procedure. Weight loss procedures include things like gastric bypass surgery. Liposuction is a body contouring procedure. It is designed for individuals who are at or close to their healthy BMI but still have areas of fat around their midsection, their thighs or their arms that they just cannot get rid of through diet and exercise.

Our trained surgeon can use liposuction to target and remove stubborn fat deposits. This is a flexible procedure in that it can be used on just about any part of your body. Because of its flexibility, liposuction may be mixed with other procedures, depending on the situation. Liposuction, for example, goes well with a tummy tuck. It can even be used in conjunction with both male and female breast reduction procedures.

Some individuals use the fat that is removed during liposuction for a fat transfer procedure. Fat transfers are good for butt augmentation procedures, such as the Brazilian Butt Lift. These are just a few of the benefits that come from liposuction.

Liposuction has helped both men and women boost their self-esteem. It can help individuals to have a positive body image again. To learn more about how liposuction works and how it can benefit you specifically, make an appointment at the office of Zachary Farris, MD, conveniently located in Dallas, TX. We would be happy to address whatever questions or concerns you may have as we determine if liposuction is right for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team!

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