A Complete Guide to Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Non-surgical cosmetic treatments accomplish so much without incisions, sutures, or surgery of any kind. What this means is that you can get beautiful results without excessive downtime, scarring, or expense. Although surgical results are the longest-lasting, non-invasive treatments remain wildly popular because of their convenience and effectiveness.

At Farris Plastic Surgery, we provide an array of these minimally invasive options to meet your goals:

For wrinkles and fine lines. There are quite a few non-invasive options for wrinkles and creases. Facial fillers are some of the most popular, as are BOTOX Cosmetic and Dysport. These are all injection-based treatments, which can be completed quickly and get you back to your normal routine immediately.

For skin redness, acne scars, stretch marks, and large pores. Microneedling creates a series of microscopic punctures in the surface of the skin. Improvement in texture, tone, and appearance manifests as the skin heals in response to the microneedling treatment, producing new collagen and elastin from below the surface.

For a double chin. While liposuction is certainly a great way to suction away excess fat cells causing a double chin, the injectable Kybella is a worthy competitor! Kybella is injected with a fine needle directly into precise points below the chin. Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid, which, when injected, ultimately destroys excess fat cells. Your body naturally processes the destroyed excess fat, leaving you with great chin and neck definition.

For leg veins. Small varicose veins and those pesky spider veins can be reduced with sclerotherapy, in which a solution is injected into the targeted vein with a needle. There’s no surgery involved. The solution is an irritant to the vein, causing it to eventually collapse and seal off harmlessly. Blood is redirected to healthier veins, and the treated vein is eventually resorbed by the body’s natural processes.

Customized Treatment Plans for Your Goals

Ready to find out if one of these non-surgical treatments, or a combination, will achieve your cosmetic goals? To arrange a consultation to discuss your options with Dr. Farris in Dallas, please call our team at 214-363-1073. We look forward to helping you weigh all of these non-surgical options.

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