Does Gynecomastia Go Away?

A man in exercise clothes raises his fists in the air triumphantly in front of the rising sun

If you are a man with what appears to be male breasts, then you may have the condition known as gynecomastia. It almost goes without saying that this condition can be embarrassing and difficult to live with. You may avoid removing your shirt, even at the beach or while swimming. Wearing workout clothes and t-shirts may make you really self-conscious. In addition, the excess tissue tends to cause physical discomfort and chafing.

It May or May Not Go Away On Its Own

Gynecomastia caused by hormonal imbalance during puberty often goes away over a course of months or a few years. For these young men, sometimes all it takes is time for hormones to stabilize, eventually causing a decrease in the fullness of the chest.

If you are an adult man who has dealt with male breasts for quite some time, your gynecomastia is less likely to disappear on its own. It really depends on the cause. Potential contributing factors include:

  • Certain health conditions
  • Certain medications
  • Being overweight
  • Drinking too much
  • Marijuana use
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Genetics

If you haven’t already, it’s important to schedule a checkup with your doctor. Ask about gynecomastia and get a diagnosis of any underlying health conditions, medications, or lifestyle habits that the doctor determines are contributing to the appearance of male breasts. You may be able to reduce or eliminate gynecomastia by managing these things with your doctor.

However, if that is not the case and the excess breast tissue persists, it may be time to visit Dr. Zachery Farris for a male breast reduction consultation. Dr. Farris can determine if a procedure to remove the excess fat and/or tissue will be beneficial. Liposuction may be used if the problem is caused by excess fat alone. Another technique is used if excess glandular tissue needs to be removed. Oftentimes both methods can be performed together for optimal results.

A Firmer, More Masculine Chest

If you are ready to leave male breast tissue in the rearview, please arrange a consultation to discuss male breast reduction in Dallas, TX, by calling 214-363-1073. Dr. Zachary Farris is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who has been performing this procedure for many years. He can guide you down the path of renewing your confidence in your body.

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