Patient Case #6432
Case ID: 6432
46 year-old male with gynecomastia underwent male breast reduction. Specifically, he had liposuction and excision of glandular tissue. Results are 7 months after surgery.
Patient Case #6432Case ID: 6432
46 year-old male with gynecomastia underwent male breast reduction. Specifically, he had liposuction and excision of glandular tissue. Results are 7 months after surgery.
Patient Case #6432Case ID: 1049
38 year-old male with gynecomastia underwent male breast reduction. Specifically, he had liposuction and excision of glandular tissue. Results are 2 months after surgery.
Patient Case #1049Case ID: 1053
29 year-old male with bilateral gynecomastia underwent male breast reduction. Specifically, he had liposuction of the fatty tissue and direct excision of the thick glandular tissue through small peri-areolar incisions. Results are at 6 weeks after surgery.
Patient Case #1053