How to Easily Get Rid of Your Double-Chin

red haired girl holding sparklers and laughing in new year. Excess body fat can be stubborn and challenging to get rid of. Even with a healthy diet and regular exercise, achieving your target body weight can be difficult. In many cases, even when the goal weight is reached, many people still have lingering body fat in areas that does not seem to go away or get smaller.

An area that can be especially problematic is excess fullness or roundness below the jawline. This, called submental fullness, can give the appearance of a double chin and, despite rigorous efforts to reduce body fat, can remain.

By using a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally made by your body to break down fat cells, KYBELLA® helps to break down fat in your chin and create a more defined appearance of your jawline.

KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment to reduce the appearance of submental fullness. Depending on how much fat is to be removed, most patients require no more than 6 total treatments to see the desired results. However, it may take at least 2 treatments to see a noticeable change.

Since KYBELLA® treatments are a great way to get rid of submental fullness without surgery or liposuction, there is minimal recovery and no downtime. After each treatment, there will likely be noticeable but mild bruising and swelling. Both of these will subside over the next few days. Anti-inflammatory medication and ice packs can help.

Unlike other non-invasive treatments that just cause fat cells to leak, KYBELLA® destroys the fat cells before your body’s natural metabolic processes clean them from your system. Along with being non-invasive, the results from KYBELLA® are generally permanent. Although, a healthy diet and regular exercise will help keep new fat cells from accumulating.

If you have stubborn fat or fullness around your jawline and want to avoid liposuction or surgery, the doctors and staff at Farris Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX, can help create a treatment plan that is customized for you and your aesthetic goals. Call 214-363-1073 or visit to see if KYBELLA® is right for you.

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