If you are considering a breast lift to reduce breast sagging and restore perkier, firmer breasts, you may have come across the idea that this procedure actually decreases cup size and breast size. In general, yes, you may find that you can size down your bras after mastopexy, but it’s not necessarily because your breasts are smaller. Some women find they need to size up. It really depends on the individual. You will have a new breast shape and contour, so oftentimes a new bra fit is needed.
When the excess, sagging skin and tissue is removed from the breasts, and the position of the breasts is raised, the tissue is now conforming to the former baseline. It is the stretched skin that may have been dictating your cup size. Although you may need a smaller size after the procedure, most women are happy with the new appearance of their breasts nonetheless.
Let’s consider another scenario. If you want to have perkier breasts but are not willing to give up volume, then a combined mastopexy-augmentation procedure may be right for you. In this combined approach, breast implants are placed along with eliminating the stretched tissue. This may be the right option if you want the best of both worlds, so to speak.
Determining If You Are a Breast Lift Candidate
- You’re in good general health
- Your nipples are pointing downward or sagging
- Your breasts have loose, inelastic skin
- Your breasts look elongated and droopy
- You’re a non-smoker or able to quit weeks prior to surgery and maintain smoking cessation for weeks after surgery
Many women seek a breast lift later in life, once the effects of age, pregnancy, weight fluctuations and gravity have changed their breasts. Of course, it’s possible to experience sagginess in your 20s, 30s and 40s as well.
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Farris
If you’re interested in finding out if you are a good candidate for breast lift surgery and if you live in Dallas-Fort Worth or the surrounding area, please schedule a complimentary consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Farris by calling 214-363-1073.