Benefits of Earlobe Repair Surgery

The recent trend of stretching out earlobe piercings has left many younger people with regretfully over-stretched lobes. Trauma from having an earring ripped out can also leave you with a disfigured earlobe. If you have a misshapen lobe and are considering having it surgically repaired, there are several benefits earlobe repair surgery can offer that you need to factor into your final decision.

Hair Style and Cut Options

Covering a damaged earlobe with your hair limits your style and cut options quite a bit, regardless of your gender. Males, especially, may find it difficult to hide such an injury with longer hair in professional workplaces where short, off-the-collar cuts are the expected norm. Women who work in environments where headsets or ear protection are necessities may also find such a hairstyle difficult to maintain. By undergoing earlobe repair surgery, you can choose any cut or style you like without worry.

Improved Jewelry Possibilities

Drawing attention to a damaged earlobe with jewelry is not the aesthetic most of us wish to project, yet many people feel pressured to wear jewelry to present a polished, professional appearance. Women may be told that earrings and a necklace are the bare minimums for in the workplace. If you cannot wear earrings due to a damaged lobe, surgical repair can make it possible once more.

Greater Confidence in Your Appearance

Even if you can successfully hide your injured lobe, you will likely always be aware of it. Whether it’s a romantic partner going in for a kiss or the realization your wet hair is going to slick back in the pool at the annual office party, the low-key anxiety of trying to hide your lobe can be a blow to your confidence and self-esteem. By having it permanently repaired with earlobe repair surgery, you can enjoy worry-free socializing and dating again. This will likely have a positive effect on your professional and personal life and relationships.

While going through life with a damaged earlobe may not be as bad as some other conditions, it is not something you should tolerate if it causes you any kind of distress. Earlobe repair surgery is quick and relatively simple. Set up a consultation at the office of Zachary Farris MD in Dallas to see if ear surgery is right for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to learn more!

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