Five Reasons to Get a Tummy Tuck in Dallas

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, can be used to treat a variety of physical or cosmetic concerns. While you may have mainly heard of it being used following childbirth as a way to correct your muffin top, it can do much more than this. A tummy tuck is a powerful option for improving the look and feel of your entire abdomen, and it can help improve the way you feel about yourself in Dallas.

You Have Sagging Abdominal Skin

The primary reason why you may choose a tummy tuck is to get rid of the excessive skin and underlying tissues that may be sagging and drooping from the bottom of your belly. Excessive skin that has been stretched out from prior weight gain or past pregnancies can be difficult if not impossible to target with diet and exercise. Surgical removal is often the only possible solution.

Your Abdominals Are Distended

During a tummy tuck, the surgeon can reach beneath your skin to target your abdominal muscles lying on the surface of your belly. These are the muscles that help make your belly look tight and toned. However, they can separate, especially during pregnancy. Once they are brought back together, your entire abdomen can look firmer and smaller.

You have Stretch Marks on Your Belly

Weight gain and loss can take a physical toll on your body beyond excess fat or skin. If you have stretch marks you do not love, a tummy tuck can help reduce their appearance.

You Want to Treat Physical Appearance

A consultation with our team in Dallas can help determine your goals for the tummy tuck and ensure you are getting the results you want. You can elect to have smaller or larger areas of your abdomen treated.

You Feel Embarrassed about Your Body Shape

Many women feel self-conscious about their shapes, particularly after they have had children or have lost a large amount of weight. A tummy tuck can improve their confidence and make them more comfortable in their favorite clothes once again.

While there may be other reasons why you may come to us or why your doctor may refer you to us for treatment, we want to help you achieve a look you love. If you are interested in this procedure for yourself, contact us today at Farris Plastic Surgery in Dallas today and schedule your first consultation.

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