What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation is performed using breast implants that are either filled with saline solution or silicone gel. The decision to go with either saline implants or silicone gel implants is a personal one that depends on which looks and feels right to you—there are also many other decisions to consider in the breast augmentation journey. Breast implants come in various sizes, shapes, and textures; they may be placed above or under the muscle and inserted through a couple different areas. To fully understand your breast augmentation options and create the best procedure plan for your goals, the first step is scheduling a consultation with Dr. Farris.


During your confidential consultation with Dr. Farris, he will examine your breasts and ask you about your medical history, your goals, and your concerns to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Ready to begin discussing your options? Contact our office to schedule your Breast Augmentation consultation with Dr. Farris today.

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