Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery in Dallas & Plano, TX

Double Board-Certified Surgeon

Your eyes are constantly active. All day long, they engage in muscle contractions that are necessary to help focus on near and far objects. These contractions also occur when you convey emotion. As a result of all this activity, your eyes are often one of the first areas to display signs of aging. If you’d like to improve appearance of the fine lines and wrinkles developing around your eyes, Dr. Zachary Farris can help.

Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, can be performed to provide a rejuvenated appearance around the eyes. This procedure can deliver dramatic results, helping you look much more alert, vibrant and youthful.

You can learn about your facial rejuvenation options and receive individualized treatment recommendations by speaking with Dr. Farris in person. Please call 214-363-1073  today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in the Dallas, Texas area.


Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular facial plastic surgery procedures we perform. This procedure can achieve beautiful, natural looking results that will help you look and feel your best. Some of the benefits you may experience from eyelid surgery include:

  • Reduction or elimination of dark circles under the eyes
  • Elimination of eye puffiness
  • Removal of deep folds in the eyelids
  • Elimination of hollows in the eyes
  • Removal of bags under the eyes
  • Opening up the eye region
  • Removal of excess skin that causes droopy eyelids and wrinkles
Eyelid Surgery Dallas TX

In some instances, you may also experience improved vision from your procedure. Correcting droopy eyelids can help remove obstructions from your visual field, enabling you to see more clearly.

Am I an eyelid surgery candidate?

In order to be considered a good candidate for eyelid surgery, you must be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the outcome of your procedure. In addition, this procedure is generally an excellent option for men and women who are interested in correcting one or more of the following:

  • Lost upper eyelid crease
  • Hollows under the eyes which result in the development of dark bags
  • Drooping in the upper eyelids
  • Sagging or wrinkling in the upper or lower eyelid skin
  • Puffy fat deposits in the lower eyelid
  • Excess upper eyelid skin that impedes your visual field

Keep in mind that eyelid surgery focuses on the signs of aging around the eyes. For more comprehensive facial rejuvenation results, Dr. Farris may recommend one or more of the following procedures in conjunction with blepharoplasty:

If you have thyroid problems, dry eyes, glaucoma, diabetes or high blood pressure, you should check with your eye or medical doctors before proceeding with surgery.

How is eyelid surgery performed?

blepharoplasty Dallas TX Blepharoplasty is typically performed on an outpatient basis under limited anesthesia. Your procedure generally takes about 1-2 hours to complete. Dr. Farris’ philosophy is to recontour and replenish the eyelids in a manner that involves the most conservative removal of excess skin, muscle and fat necessary to achieve your goals. This approach helps you avoid the additional rapid aging commonly associated with tissue loss.

Before the procedure begins, Dr. Farris will mark your eyelids while you’re sitting. For the upper eyelids, the incision is placed at the natural eyelid crease and provides access to remove the excess skin, muscle and fat.

The incision at the lower eyelid is placed just below the lash line. At times, the tissue of the lower eyelid is tightened with a “lateral canthopexy.” For situations where there is excess fat without excess skin at the lower eyelid, a transconjunctival approach can be utilized by making an incision on the inside of the lower eyelid without any external incisions. Incisions are closed meticulously with fine sutures.

What should you not do before eyelid surgery?

Before an eyelid surgery you should avoid smoking, blood-thinning substances, and alcohol before the procedure. Your surgeon will also go over any restrictions with food, drink, and medications that you should follow.

What can you not do after eyelid surgery?

After an eyelid surgery, you should avoid certain things to ensure that you get the best results with forom your surgery. Things you should avoid include:

  • Contact: Avoid touching or rubbing the eyes
  • Strain: Try to refrain from participating in activities that cause heavy strain on your eyes like heavy lifting or strenuous exercise
  • Sun Exposure: Protect your eyes from excessive sun exposure immediately following the procedure as it can increase your swelling
  • Makeup: Makeup can introduce bacteria to the surgical site. So it should be avoided until your surgeon lets you know that it is okay to use
  • Swimming and hot tubs: Swimming or submerging your eyes under water should be avoided as it can delay your healing process and increase your risk for infection 
  • Smoking and drinking: Smoking and drinking can affect your recovery process and have negative effects when combined with the medication taht is prescribed to you by your doctor

How long do you have to sleep sitting up after eyelid surgery?

Typically, patients are advised to sleep at an angle for the first few nights following the procedure. Dr. Farris will give you a detailed recovery plan that will give you more information on how long you will have to sleep in an upright position.

How long after eyelid surgery can you shower?

It’s recommended to wait for your surgeon’s approval before you shower after your procedure. Typically, after 5 days it is okay to shower, but be sure to consult your doctor before getting your surgical site wet at all.

How painful is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery is one of the least painful cosmetic surgery procedures. You should experience very minor discomfort during the process.

Check Out The Results We Can Deliver!

Blepharoplasty Surgeon Plano TX

Recovery After Blepharoplasty

Dr. Farris and his team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions. It’s important to follow these instructions diligently to facilitate healing and ensure the best possible results. Make sure to use all ointments and eye drops we prescribe as directed.

Discomfort after eyelid surgery is very minimal. You may experience some tearing, dry eyes or tightening of the eyelids immediately after surgery, but these issues will gradually subside as you heal.

Most bruising and swelling should subside within 1-2 weeks. Apply cold compresses around your eyes for the first few days, and keep your head elevated above your chest while sleeping for the first week of your recovery.

If non-absorbable stitches were used, they will be removed within 5 days of your procedure. After these stitches are removed, it will be safe to apply makeup. Make sure you wear dark sunglasses to protect your eyes for the first two weeks of recovery.

You should be able to return to work about 10 days after your procedure. However, you should avoid strenuous activity or exercise for at least 3 weeks. Dr. Farris will tell you when it is safe to resume these activities.

Contact Our Dallas Plastic Surgeon

Please contact Farris Plastic Surgery using the form on this page or call 214-363-1073  today to schedule your eyelid surgery consultation. We serve patients in the Dallas, Texas area.

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