Juvederm Vollure XC in Dallas & Plano, TX

Juvederm Vollure XC Dallas TX

Wrinkles are one of the most common signs of aging in the skin. Created as a result of a gradual loss of volume in the skin, wrinkling is an aesthetic issue that many people face. Dr. Farris and his team can help you combat the effects of aging in your skin with JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE XC!

Located in Dallas, Texas, Farris Plastic Surgery offers a wide variety of effective aesthetic procedures that can help you look and feel more like you. Dr. Farris leads his team in aiming to provide you with the attention and care you need for a safe, comfortable, and fulfilling experience. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and learn more about JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC!


JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC is a safe and effective treatment option that is FDA approved to help correct the appearance of wrinkles and “parentheses lines”, which run from the edges of the nose to the edges of the mouth. With JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC, Dr. Farris and his team can help restore younger-looking skin.



As we grow older, our skin will naturally lose volume over time, causing skin to sag and wrinkle. JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC is mainly comprised of hyaluronic acid to refresh facial volume lost as a result of aging, resulting in a younger, smoother profile.

What People Say About Us!

"Dr. Farris and his team are the best! His team takes the time to answer all your questions and leaves you feeling confident about the decision you make. Dr. Farris’ bedside manner compares to no one! My pre and post op appointments were amazing. His office is beautiful and state of the art. No expense was left in making me feel beautiful inside and out."

- Anonymous

Click here to read more reviews.

When can I expect to see results from treatment with JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE XC?

Those who are treated with this safe and effective dermal filler can begin to notice results of a silkier surface immediately after their treatment session.

How long do results from JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE XC last?

JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC has been observed to grant results of younger-looking skin that may last up to 18 months! Ultimately, results will vary from person to person.

Am I a good candidate for treatment with JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE XC?

JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC may be the right treatment for you if you:

  • Are over 21 years of age
  • Are discomforted by the appearance of wrinkles and parenthetical lines in your facial profile
  • Are looking for a safe and effective, non-surgical treatment mode
  • Do not have an allergy to lidocaine nor are you allergic to any other ingredients in the JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC solution
  • Are not currently pregnant
  • Do not have a history of severe allergies

If you are looking for a solution to rejuvenate your skin, JUVÉDERM VOLLURE XC can help smooth away unwanted wrinkles for a youthful complexion. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment and find out if JUVÉDERM® VOLLURE XC may be right for you!

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