Customizing Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Dr. Farris feels it’s important to customize your breast augmentation procedure in order to address your unique needs and goals. This is the best way to ensure the beautiful, natural looking results you desire. During the planning phase of your procedure, he’ll discuss the following options with you and recommend the ideal treatment plan based on your current breast appearance, body type and desired outcome.

Breast Implant Options

woman holding two different types of breast implantsThe type of implant used will have a significant impact on your final results. Dr. Farris offers:

  • Saline implants
  • Silicone implants

Saline breast implants consist of a silicone shell filled with sterile saline solution. These implants require a smaller incision and are filled after the implant is placed. This provides greater control over final breast size. However, they look and feel less natural than other implant options.

Silicone implants consist of a silicone shell filled with a cohesive silicone gel. These implants provide results that look and feel more natural. In addition, your implants will maintain their form in the event of a rupture, eliminating the deflated appearance that occurs when a saline implant ruptures.

Incision Options

The right incision option for you will depend on your body type and aesthetic goals. Dr. Farris offers three different options:

  • Inframammary incision – Incision is made along the lower breast crease. It allows for the greatest control when placing the implant and minimizes interference with breastfeeding.
  • Periareolar incision – Incision is made around the border of the nipple. It allows Dr. Farris to achieve a more precise pocket for the breast implant and is an effective option to correct inverted nipples.
  • Transaxillary incision – Incision is made in the armpit. While this option allows you to avoid a scar in the breast region, Dr. Farris only recommends it in rare cases.

Breast Implant Placement Options

Your breast implant can be placed in two ways:

  • Subglandular placement – Implant is placed over the chest muscle
  • Submuscular placement – Implant is placed under the chest muscle

In general, Dr. Farris typically recommends submuscular placement since it provides better tissue coverage of the breast implant and facilitates breast cancer screening. In addition, submuscular placement reduces the risk of complications such as rippling and capsular contracture.

Breast Implant Sizing Options

There are a wide range of breast implant sizes available, and the right size for you will depend on your body type, lifestyle and desired results. In general, a moderately sized implant tends to deliver more natural looking results than a very large implant, and it will provide less interference with an active lifestyle. During your consultation, Dr. Farris will let you try on breast implant sizers so that you can get a sense for how different implant sizes will look.

Contact our Dallas Plastic Surgeon

Please contact Farris Plastic Surgery using the form on this page or call 214-363-1073 today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in the Dallas, Texas area.

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