Give Your Bust a Boost with Breast Augmentation

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons lists breast augmentation as the number one surgical procedure requested in the cosmetic field. There are many things you should consider when determining if breast augmentation is the best choice for you.

Many are surprised to learn that breast augmentation surgery does not require them to have a lot of downtime. Most patients only need to take about a week to recover before going back to their usual activities. As long as your job does not require heavy manual labor, you should be in good enough shape to get back to work.

You have a lot of choices when it comes to what method of breast augmentation you undergo, the size and type of your implants, and where they will be inserted. Breast implants are typically made of saline or silicone gel and can be placed above or underneath the pectoralis muscle. Dr. Farris also offers a special type of implant designed by IDEAL IMPLANT, Inc. These implants combine the benefits of saline and silicone to allow for breast augmentation that leads to exceptionally safe and natural-feeling results. Those who do not want implants can opt for augmentation via fat transfer, which will take fat from donor areas such as the thighs and hips and transfer it to the breasts.

With so many different choices available, it can be daunting to choose the best path for you. That’s why Dr. Farris will be with you every step of the way as you make your decisions. By the time you undergo your procedure, you should have no surprises and feel confident that you have made the best choice. If you aren’t completely satisfied with your results for any reason, Dr. Farris also provides revision surgery to change the size of your implants.

If you are in generally good health, are finished having children, and have realistic expectations, you would likely be a good candidate for breast augmentation. If you are unsure, we can help you decide if this is the best course of action for you during your consultation.

Using a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to guarantee that you have positive results. Those who choose the office of Zachary Farris, MD for their breast augmentation surgery can rest assured that as a double board-certified plastic surgeon and clinical investigator at IDEAL IMPLANT, Inc., Dr. Farris has the care and expertise needed to give them the results they want to see. Breast augmentation is a good way to give your bust a boost and increase your self-confidence at the same time. Contact our office in Dallas today to schedule your consultation.

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