Brazilian Butt Lift or Buttock Implants
Farris Plastic Surgery offers two types of buttock augmentation techniques, implants, and a Brazilian butt lift.
Implants are an effective way to achieve a rounder and fuller butt. Implants are inserted into each cheek and the results typically last for years.
The most popular buttock augmentation procedure is a Brazilian butt lift. You do not have to wait for the aging process or gravity to catch up, the procedure can be performed on women and men of almost any age. However, you probably do not want to undergo the procedure as a teenager. Your body is still growing and changing.
What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A Brazilian butt lift transfer fat from your body to your buttocks. Since the procedure uses your fat, the results are typically more natural looking than with implants.
During the procedure, fat is removed from your back, abdomen, or thighs and injected into your buttocks after being purified. Depending on the desired results, the fat is injected at varying depths to give you a full, rounded shape.
After Your Brazilian Butt Lift
You can expect some discomfort after the procedure. You also want to avoid putting pressure on your buttocks for two weeks. It doesn’t mean you can’t sit down, only use a super soft cushion for about six weeks.
Schedule a Consultation with Farris Plastic Surgery
To learn more about the buttock augmentation procedures we offer at Farris Plastic Surgery in Dallas-Fort Worth schedule a consultation with Dr. Farris online or call the center at 214-363-1073.