Liposuction or Kybella®: Which One Should I Get?

If you have a double chin, you may have tried dieting and exercising to get rid of it. Unfortunately, many people struggle to get rid of their double chin despite their best efforts. In fact, you can lose weight and still have persistent chin fat. For some people, excess chin fat is genetic and only cosmetic treatment can reduce its appearance. If you have persistent chin fat, you may be on the fence about whether you should get chin liposuction or Kybella®. Read our blog to gain insight into which procedure may work best for you.

What Is Kybella®?

Kybella is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment that surgeons use to reduce the appearance of submental fullness (a.k.a “chin fat” or “double chin”).

How Is Kybella® Different From Liposuction?

Kybella is a non-surgical, minimally-invasive procedure. Liposuction is a surgical, invasive procedure that requires a surgeon to use a cannula needle to suction away submental fullness. Rather than suction out the fat, the surgeon who performs Kybella treatment will inject synthetic deoxycholic acid (a synthetic form of stomach bile) into your chin, which breaks down the excess fat in the target area.

Is Liposuction Better Than Kybella®?

Faster Results

Liposuction produces faster results than Kybella. You can see a difference in your submental fullness immediately after the procedure. However, the majority of patients will need at least two Kybella treatments before they can see a reduction in the fullness of their chin fat.

Fewer Sessions

Most people who opt for Kybella will need a minimum of two sessions to remove the fat from their chin. Some people will need as many as six sessions to remove their chin fat. With liposuction, however, only one procedure is necessary. Thus, liposuction is more convenient.

Quicker Recovery Time

Although liposuction is a surgical procedure, less downtime is needed than it is for Kybella. Kybella is made by Allergan. Allergan recommends waiting a minimum of one month between each session. Most people require at least two Kybella sessions to see results, which means you’ll be in recovery for a minimum of three months. However, the average recovery time for liposuction is six weeks.

Chin Contouring in Dallas, TX

Whichever method of chin fat removal you decide to get, you’ll need a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform the procedure. Farris Plastic Surgery has exceptional plastic surgeons and we offer patient financing assistance. To schedule a consultation, call us at 214-363-1073.

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