Male Breast Reduction

Gynecosmastia Surgeon for Dallas-Fort Worth

If you’re dealing with gynecomastia, you should know that there are treatments for it. Gynecomastia is characterized as a condition that causes men to develop excess breast tissue, and it can have a major impact on your confidence.

With help from our double board-certified plastic surgeon, you can get treatment for this problem and regain your personal confidence. Modern techniques make male breast reduction safe and effective, and when it’s finished, you can look forward to a life without excess breast tissue.

A Look at Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is an irritating condition, and currently, the best treatment for it is male breast reduction. The treatment can help men who have enlarged male breasts, and by removing excess glandular tissue and fat, the treatment can give you a firmer, masculine chest.

Researchers have discovered several potential causes for excess male breast tissue, and the two main causes are genetics and medications. According to some of the latest estimates, about 50 percent of men have experienced some amount of gynecomastia, and the condition can appear at any age. Fortunately, male breast reduction is effective for men of all ages, and it has a variety of benefits to offer.

Why Consider Male Breast Reduction?

If you’re thinking about undergoing this procedure, you should know why it’s a great idea. Some men try to get rid of enlarged breasts by losing weight, and unfortunately, the problem isn’t caused by weight. It’s true that being overweight can make the problem worse, but the main cause of gynecomastia is enlarged male breasts, which is the result of excess fat and glandular tissue. It’s quite common for men to develop gynecomastia when they’re very lean and don’t have much excess weight to lose.

Although there are several alternative treatments for this condition, they don’t work nearly as well as male breast reduction. With this surgery, you should feel much more comfortable taking your shirt off in public, and you’ll likely experience a restored sense of self-confidence.

A lot of men who have gynecomastia are embarrassed by the condition, and they avoid going shirtless in public. Male breast reduction surgery can sculpt your chest and restore the confidence that you need to succeed in life.

Talk to Dr. Farris About Male Breast Reduction

If you’re considering male breast reduction, you should know that it can improve your ability to exercise, increase your confidence and deliver long-lasting results. You’ll also be able to wear tighter clothing and avoid baggy shirts. During a consultation at the office of Zachary Farris, MD in Dallas, you can get all the facts about this procedure and how it can work for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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