Just about everyone is affected by thinning lips at some point in their life. As you get older, your lips, along with other parts of your body, start to lose volume. They lose their shape, and they lose their attractiveness. If you are plagued with naturally thin lips or if your lips have lost their volume with age, plump up your pout with Juvederm Ultra. Contact Farris Plastic Surgery, located in Dallas, to learn more!
Juvederm is a line of dermal fillers that use hyaluronic acid. The fillers that Juvederm produces have helped many individuals restore their youthful appearance. Juvederm Ultra is one of the more popular fillers for enhancing the size and shape of your lips. It gives your lips the softness as well as the volume that they need. Your lip boundaries are clearly defined, and your lips have a very natural shape after treatment.
The reason why Juvederm dermal fillers use hyaluronic acid is that hyaluronic acid is something that your body produces naturally. Hyaluronic acid is what your body uses to give your skin volume and what helps hold moisture in your skin. Unfortunately, as we age, the systems that produce hyaluronic acid in our body slow down. This is why our lips start to get thinner as we get older. As your lips get thinner, your face takes on a harder appearance. The thinner your lips are, the more prominent your lower teeth become, especially when you smile. This can turn a soft and attractive smile into a grimace.
Juvederm Ultra is a specially formulated thick gel. It gives your lips the support that they need. The hyaluronic acid in the formula provides your lips with moisture via water molecules needed to make them look healthy.
When determining whether you are a good client for Juvederm, we first examine your face. We look at the thickness of the skin in your lips to determine what type of help you need. In addition to adding volume to your lips, our goal is to give your lips an attractive and balanced look. We want your lips to look good with the rest of your face.
The injection process is very simple. In the first few moments after injection, the Juvederm gel is malleable. This allows us to move it to give your lips the perfect shape.
You will continue to notice an improvement in the volume of your lips over the next couple of days. Juvederm is a temporary treatment. This means that after around 10 months, your body is going to flush the Juvederm from itself. So you will need to have follow-up treatments in order to maintain the results that you want.
There is no reason for you to live with thin lips. Plump up your pout with Juvederm Ultra. Contact us today to learn more!