The Tummy Tuck Recovery Process

A portrait of a woman in yoga pants and a tank top. Like most other forms of cosmetic surgery, a tummy tuck requires some recovery. Generally, the entire recovery process takes 1-3 months depending on the speed of healing. However, this can vary greatly from patient to patient, so it’s important to follow up with Dr. Zachary Farris after the procedure to ensure that your recovery is progressing smoothly. Here’s what you can expect during the recovery period after a tummy tuck.

The First Week

Right after your surgery, you will be given a compression garment to wear around your abdomen. You will also have dressings and drainage tubes placed around your incision to help drain any excess fluid. Since you will be tired and groggy due to the anesthesia, you should ask someone to drive you home from your procedure.

For the first several days, you may feel some pain and tightness around your incisions. The compression garment will help control any swelling and the discomfort can be mitigated with pain medication. 

Weeks 2-3

The week following your procedure, Dr. Farris will determine if it is safe to remove your dressings and drainage tubes. You will still need to wear your compression garment for a week or so after the follow-up appointment. 

If you have a sedentary job, you can return to work after the first week. However, if your job requires lifting, standing, or bending, you may need to wait until week three. For those who exercise, you will be able to return to light activities after the third week.

Weeks 4-6

Once you are about one month into your recovery, you may still have some minimal swelling, bruising, or numbness. At this time, it may be safe to return to intense exercises like weight lifting, but make sure to check with Dr. Farris. Your scar will appear dark pink and raised, but will flatten and fade over the next 12 months.

If you have any questions about the tummy tuck recovery process or are interested in the procedure, call Dr. Farris at 214-363-1073 to schedule a consultation. We welcome patients to our practice in Dallas, Texas.

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