Tighten Your Abdominal Area with a Tummy Tuck

When most people think about tightening or toning their abdominal area, they usually think about doing sit-ups and other exercises that work their abdominal muscles. Some individuals are able to get fantastic results with just diet and exercise. However, there are other people that are not able to get the results they want no matter what diet they try or what exercises they do.

Love Your Appearance After a Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are one of the most common procedures that plastic surgeons perform today. Since the technology used with tummy tucks has advanced, most individuals are able to achieve the most desireable results with the help of our double-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Farris. A tummy tuck can help you love the way you look by toning your abdomen.

The Procedure

During the procedure, Dr. Farris will remove any excess skin and tissue from your abdomen. He will then work out any sagging or wrinkling by gently stretching the abdominal skin. The abdominal muscles can be repositioned or tightened to give you the most desirable results.

How Long Is the Recovery?

During the first four weeks after your procedure, you will be wearing a compression garment to help the healing process. After a tummy tuck procedure, most individuals are able to get back to their desk jobs after about a week. Of course, engaging in strenuous activities will not likely be possible. Most patients are able to start doing light exercise and can get back to their normal activities after about four weeks. Once you have fully recovered from the procedure, it is important for you to maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle to maintain your long-lasting results. After several months, you will see the full results from the surgery.

Learn More About a Tummy Tuck

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about the tummy tuck procedure at the office of Zachary Farris, MD. A tummy tuck can be just what you need to tighten your abdominal area. We would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have about the procedure. Let us show you how a tummy tuck can help you feel more satisfied with your appearance and give you a boost of confidence to help you take on any task! Contact us today to make an appointment in Dallas to see if you’re a good candidate for a tummy tuck procedure!

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