Treat Facial Wrinkles with Restylane in Dallas

Small facial wrinkles become more noticeable as we age. This is primarily due to a decrease in moisture retention in the dermal layers. Less collagen also contributes to the problem. Smoothing out these fine lines can be accomplished through dermal filler injections. We oftentimes recommend hyaluronic acid fillers for our clients here in Dallas. Restylane® is one of the most effective of these fillers because several different formulas are available, each of which targets a specific concern. The injections can typically be completed in just minutes, and the positive results can last for quite a while. We’re more than happy to schedule a consultation with you to discuss your treatment options and to inform you on how Restylane® works to diminish facial wrinkles.

Treating Wrinkles with Restylane®

Hyaluronic acid fillers draw in and hold moisture. This acid, a type of polysaccharide, is produced naturally by all people. We have it in our skin, but most of us don’t benefit from it when it comes to age-related wrinkling. That is, unless it can be injected in a concentrated form.

Restylane® is a gel containing hyaluronic acid particles. When the gel is injected below the skin, it immediately attracts water molecules. The gel also acts as a binding foundation. After the treatment is complete, the additional water being held in place acts as a sort of plumping mechanism. The skin surface is smoother and tauter, and the lines and wrinkles are far less visible.

Consultation and Treatment

We will not schedule a treatment session in Dallas until after we have examined the client’s face and determined the amount of volume needed to smooth away the wrinkles. We can create a customized treatment that utilizes one or more forms of Restylane®. Some of the formulas contain several different molecular weights of acid molecules. We may use a thinner gel formula for treating areas around the lips, for example.

During the actual treatment in Dallas, we skillfully inject the solution of choice into the preselected areas. The plumping is moderate, so clients need not be concerned about bumpiness and uneven skin surface after the treatment is completed. No post-treatment care is needed after getting the injections. Since hyaluronic acid is a natural substance, rejection or cross-contamination isn’t possible.

Good Candidates for Treatment

Although Restylane® is a safe, FDA-approved dermal filler, it isn’t right for everyone. When you consult with our specialist at the office of Zachary Farris, MD in Dallas, you can get all the facts about this treatment. You could take years off your appearance with a single Restylane® treatment, but we have to make sure the treatment is right for you first. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!

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