What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for spider veins and small varicose veins. It consists of injecting a special solution directly into the affected vein. This substance is called a sclerosant and it safely damages the wall of the vein, causing the blood to clot and the vein to collapse. After the vein collapses, it is gradually absorbed by the surrounding tissue and eliminated by the body through natural processes. The result is smooth, clear skin again.

The main reason why most people want to get rid of their small varicose veins is cosmetic. Varicose and spider veins can also interfere with your lifestyle. For example, you may avoid certain clothing and bathing suits in order not to expose the veins. However, sclerotherapy may also reduce or eliminate the accompanying symptoms such as swelling, burning, aching and cramping, especially at night.

Sclerotherapy is considered the best treatment for small varicose veins. When you talk to our specialist, you can discuss your veins and consider your treatment options. You may need more than one treatment, depending on the unique situation. During your consultation, we can help you get a better idea of what kind of results you can expect from this procedure.

This procedure is performed in the comfort of our office without the need for a hospital stay. You may be asked to walk a bit after the treatment and to wear compression stockings for a set amount of time to keep the pressure on the treated vein so that it disappears.

Sclerotherapy is a safe and proven treatment to remove spider veins and small varicose veins. It is minimally-invasive and can usually be done in just minutes, so you can go back to work or your daily activities relatively quickly. As the treated vein is gradually absorbed and removed, you will have smooth skin in the treated area.

When you talk to our specialist at the office of Zachary Farris, MD, feel free to ask whatever questions or concerns you may have about this procedure. Sclerotherapy may be just what you’ve been looking for to eliminate your problematic veins. Our office is located in Dallas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!

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