Breast Augmentation Healing Process

Woman in bra following breast augmentation surgery

Recovery after breast augmentation is unique for every woman because every woman’s body is unique. Factors such as implant size, implant type, and implant placement can also affect your healing process.

This blog from double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Farris breaks down a general timeline of breast augmentation recovery and provides tips for how to manage your discomfort and scarring. Dr. Farris has decades of experience and a passion for breast surgery. He is committed to helping his patients attain natural-looking results that boost their self-confidence.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline

Breast implant massageBreast augmentation is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. This means that you will get to go home on the day of your surgery. While your healing process after breast augmentation will be unique, this is a general timeline for what you can expect:

  • The day of surgery: When you wake up in our accredited surgical facility, you’ll still be under the lingering effects of anesthesia. Because of this, you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home. Get plenty of rest once you get home. Make sure you have someone to assist you with household tasks for the rest of the day.
  • 2-3 days after surgery: You will probably experience light to moderate discomfort for the first few days after your procedure. You can manage this through pain medication. You will experience some swelling of your breasts. Dr. Farris will provide you with a surgical bra to help reduce inflammation, protect your incisions, and support your breasts. At the end of this phase, you’ll be able to take a shower.
  • 1 week after surgery: After one week, you’ll likely be able to return to work. However, you should still avoid strenuous physical activity, including bending and lifting. If your job involves manual labor, you’ll need to take more time off.
  • 2 weeks after surgery: You should continue to avoid strenuous exercise and manual labor at this point, but otherwise, you’ll likely be feeling mostly normal. It’ll be okay to take baths now, too.
  • 4 weeks after surgery: After four weeks, you’ll be able to resume all regular exercise except for workouts that specifically target your chest. At this point, too, you’ll likely be ready to transition from your surgical bra to sports bras. Dr. Farris will tell you when it’s the right time.
  • 6 weeks after surgery: For many women, the six-week mark is the end of the recovery phase. By this point, your swelling will have mostly dissipated, and you may be ready to get fitted for underwire bras. Dr. Farris will let you know when it’s time. You can also exercise without restrictions.

Discomfort After Breast Augmentation

Most patients will experience some amount of discomfort after their surgery, but as with other aspects of breast augmentation recovery, pain levels are unique in every woman. Dr. Farris will talk to you about your pain-management options and help you choose the proper course.

Some women experience minimal discomfort. Some require prescription painkillers. Either way, Dr. Farris will help ensure that your recovery process is as comfortable as possible.

Breast Augmentation Scars

Because breast augmentation involves making incisions, some level of scarring is inevitable. However, you and Dr. Farris can decide on the incision placement that works best for you and minimizes the appearance of your scars.

Dr. Farris will instruct you on how to perform a breast implant massage, which will help your scars be less visible. He will also tell you about scar-care products such as silicone tape that can help, too.

Stretch Marks After Breast Augmentation

Stretch marks rarely form after breast augmentation. Usually, they only occur if you dramatically increase your breast size.

If you do develop stretch marks on your breasts, Dr. Farris offers non-surgical stretch-mark treatment that can help you minimize their appearance.

Contact Our Dallas Breast Surgeon Today

As a double-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Farris’ commitment to excellence is unparalleled. He continually educates himself and updates his practice with the most advanced breast surgery techniques. He is detail-oriented, meticulous, and prioritizes your comfort and enjoyment.

Dr. Farris serves Dallas, Fort Worth, and nearby areas of Texas. Call 214-363-1073 today to schedule a consultation.

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