Full vs. Mini Tummy Tuck

Woman after tummy tuck

A tummy tuck is one of the most popular body contouring procedures in America, with more than 130,000 surgeries performed in 2018. If you’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight or given birth, attaining a flat, toned stomach may not be possible through diet and exercise alone.

That’s where a tummy tuck comes in. The procedure can remove excess fat and skin from your abdominal region. It can also repair damaged abdominal muscles. At Farris Plastic Surgery, double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Farris offers both full and mini tummy tucks to meet the needs of any patient. What’s the difference between a full and mini tummy tuck? Read on to find out.

Full Tummy Tucks Require Longer Incisions

The most apparent difference between full and mini tummy tucks is the length of the incision. In a full tummy tuck, Dr. Farris will make the incision from hip to hip. During a mini tummy tuck, your incision will be much shorter.

The smaller incision used for a mini tummy tuck means the scar will also be smaller. This may sound appealing, but the more limited nature of a mini tummy tuck means that Dr. Farris won’t be able to correct as much.

Full Tummy Tucks Correct a Larger Area

In a full tummy tuck, Dr. Farris will pull firm your skin and repair your abdominal muscles from your ribs all the way down to your pubic area. Patients who have lots of loose skin or damaged muscles throughout their abdomen may opt for a full tummy tuck for this reason.

A mini tummy tuck repairs the muscles and tightens the skin only of the lower abdominal region. Dr. Farris will focus on correcting the area below your belly button. Patients with less loose skin or who have abdominal muscles in good shape may want this procedure.

Mini vs. full tummy tuck

Mini Tummy Tucks Don’t Touch Your Belly Button

Because full tummy tucks address your entire abdominal region, your belly button will have to be repositioned. Dr. Farris will make an incision around your belly button to separate it from the skin that he’s pulling tight. He’ll cut a new opening for your belly button and reattach it once he’s pulled your skin firm.

In a mini tummy tuck, this is unnecessary because only skin and muscle below the belly button are being addressed.

Mini Tummy Tucks Have a Shorter Recovery Period

A mini tummy tuck features both a shorter surgical procedure and a quicker recovery. After a mini tummy tuck, you should be able to return to work in about a week. You’ll also be able to resume exercise more quickly.

A full tummy tuck has a more extensive recovery. You should plan to take about two weeks off of work. After four weeks, you’ll be able to resume light exercise. Your results will become more apparent as your scar heals and your swelling dissipates, but they may not be fully visible for up to a year.

Schedule Your Dallas Tummy Tuck Consultation Today

During your consultation, Dr. Farris will go over your health history and goals to help come up with your treatment plan and decide whether a full or mini tummy tuck is right for you. He will listen to your needs and devise a strategy to deliver the results you want.

Dr. Farris serves Dallas, Fort Worth, and surrounding areas of Texas. Call 214-363-1073 today to schedule your consultation.

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