Round, full, voluptuous butts have increasingly become the standard of female beauty in recent years. Celebrities such as Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, and Kim Kardashian have helped popularize the trend as a symbol of femininity.
A thicker butt could give many women a better-balanced figure and help them look more attractive in tight clothing. Weightlifting exercise such as squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts can add butt volume, but those aren’t always enough. For women who can’t achieve the behind they want through exercise, though, a Brazilian butt lift could be the answer. The procedure can add volume and voluptuousness to your rear — and, with proper care, could last a lifetime.
What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
The Brazilian butt lift is our most popular buttock augmentation treatment at Farris Plastic Surgery. It can help the appearance of your behind in ways such as:
- Adding volume and roundness
- Achieving a better-proportioned body
- Addressing sagginess or flatness
- Creating a symmetrical appearance
- Giving a more natural appearance than other butt enhancement procedures
The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure
The Brazilian butt lift is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Zachary Farris performs it in three steps:
- He uses liposuction to extract fat from a donor site on your body
- The fat is purified by separating the pure fat from serum and oils
- The fat is injected in small amounts into different parts of your buttocks. The injections are placed uniformly at varying depths to give you smooth, natural-looking results.
Recovery After a Brazilian Butt Lift
Post-operative pain should be minimal, and swelling and bruising should subside over the weeks after surgery. It’s important to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for the first two weeks of recovery because the pressure could kill your fat grafts.
After six weeks, you’ll be able to resume strenuous activity and exercise. This is when the process of maintaining your results and ensuring their permanence begins.
How to Maintain Your Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian butt lift is like many cosmetic surgical procedures in that how well and how long your results last depends on your post-surgery lifestyle.
If you gain or lose substantial amounts of weight, your results could be compromised. Because of that, it’s crucial to enter the procedure at your target weight with a healthy lifestyle already entrenched.
It’s vital for Brazilian butt lift patients to eat a healthy, balanced diet high in protein and fat, as well as exercise regularly. Numerous weightlifting exercises can help augment your results, including:
- Squats
- Deadlifts
- Barbell hip thrusts
These cardio exercises can also be beneficial:
- Stair-steppers
- Ellipticals
- Treadmills
With proper maintenance, your results could last a lifetime.
Contact Our Dallas Plastic Surgeon Today
At Farris Plastic Surgery, double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Farris is one of Dallas’ premier practitioners. He is committed to helping his patients achieve the bodies they’ve always wanted — and the self-confidence that comes with knowing they look their best.
Dr. Farris serves Dallas, Fort Worth, and surrounding areas of Texas. Call 214-363-1073 today to schedule a consultation.