Mommy Makeover Overview

Perhaps you’ve heard the term Mommy Makeover and wondered if it is the right time to pursue the rejuvenating, beautifying procedures you’ve been thinking about. Mommy Makeover candidates are most often interested in addressing:

  • Breasts that have lost their perkiness
  • Breasts that have lost roundness/become elongated
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Nipples that have drooped downward
  • Stretched/enlarged areolas
  • Excess abdominal fat
  • Excess abdominal skin
  • Isolated areas of fat on your body that are resistant to diet and exercise

A young mom smiles broadly while being hugged by her daughterFor better or worse, these types of physical changes do not respond to diet and exercise. So, if you’ve found you have regained a normal fitness baseline and returned to a stable body weight, but remain unhappy with some of the lingering physical changes of pregnancy, then a Mommy Makeover may be right for you.

Procedures most commonly included in a Mommy Makeover are:

For busy parents, the idea of surgery and downtime can seem daunting. We work with you to help you plan all aspects of the process. The procedure itself is typically 3-5 hours long and performed while you are under general anesthesia. Most people are able to return home the same day, once Dr. Farris has cleared you to do so.

The recovery will depend very significantly on the types of procedures you choose. Tummy tuck tends to have one of the most demanding recoveries because you’ll need to take it easy for about 3 weeks. Heavy lifting, bending and strenuous exercise will also be restricted for a period of weeks. You will need to stay home from work, and that could be for 1-3 weeks depending on the procedures you received. We know these requirements can seem burdensome on top of your already busy lifestyle, but believe us when we tell you our patients say it’s worth it. You deserve to look and feel your best. Rely on our experienced patient coordination team to help you plan the details so that the Mommy Makeover works for you.

To take the next step in the process, please call Farris Plastic Surgery at 214-363-1073. We look forward to arranging your consultation with double-board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Farris in Dallas, TX.

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