Restore Thinning Hair With a NeoGraft® Hair Transplant

Balding Man Looking at Hair Loss in Mirror

Hair loss is an embarrassing medical condition that can make you look older than you actually are. Nearly 80 million Americans suffer from hair loss, and for a long time, the only real solution was a painful, invasive “strip method” of hair transplant. Dr. Farris is proud to offer the FDA-approved NeoGraft® hair transplant as a safe, comfortable and effective alternative to standard follicular unit extraction.

How Does NeoGraft Work?

NeoGraft uses a no-touch, handheld device to harvest hair follicles from your donor site, typically the back of your head, and implant them in areas of your scalp where your hair is thinning or completely gone. Since the procedure is automated, you can expect precise results.

The NeoGraft device uses the same controlled pneumatic pressure on each hair follicle it extracts and then carefully sorts these follicles by size; each hair follicle contains anywhere from one to three hairs, so precisely sorting them creates the most natural-looking results.

The device further ensures optimal results because it creates recipient sites at specific depths and angles. This is important as each hair on your head naturally grows from different depths within your scalp, as well as at different positions.

Our patients love NeoGraft because it not only immediately and discreetly begins to treat hair loss, it:

  • Requires no scalpel, stitches or staples
  • Leaves no linear scar caused by the traditional “strip method”
  • Is virtually painless
  • Has a quick recovery time, usually one to two days
  • Allows you to wear your desired hairstyle before and during treatment

Even better, you will continue to see results over the next nine to 12 months as your transplanted follicles progress through the hair growth cycle. Dr. Farris will help you determine the exact number of follicular transplants needed to best achieve your aesthetic goals while aligning with your budget.

Are You a Candidate for NeoGraft?

Hair loss has many causes and can afflict both men and women alike. NeoGraft can help people of both sexes, regardless of the cause of their hair loss, achieve a fuller head of hair. However, Dr. Farris does recommend determining the cause of your hair loss before proceeding with NeoGraft so you can treat the symptom and cause.

Since NeoGraft is a minimally invasive procedure, it can be safely performed on nearly anyone. You’re likely a good candidate for NeoGraft if:

  • You have moderate hair loss and sufficient donor hair on the back of your scalp
  • You have reasonable goals for the procedure and can articulate the results you’d like to see
  • You’re in good overall health and are free from serious infection or illness

NeoGraft is a cosmetic solution for thinning hair or baldness on the scalp or eyebrows. It can also help conceal scars on your head from previous linear harvests. With a 96 percent “Worth It” rating on the patient review site, NeoGraft is a top-rated hair restoration procedure.

Hair Restoration in Dallas, TX

If you’d like to learn more about NeoGraft or schedule a consultation with Dr. Farris, call 214-363-1073. Farris Plastic Surgery serves patients in Dallas and surrounding areas of Texas.

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