The Power of Combining Liposuction With Other Treatments

Liposuction Liposuction is a powerful and popular cosmetic technique used to achieve someone’s body goals. Fat can be stubborn, especially in specific areas. You may have seen different things online or read about certain exercises or diets that can target a stubborn area of fat. Unfortunately, there is no way to target a certain area of the body for fat loss. Your body just takes from your fat stores at near random. That’s why plenty of people choose to have liposuction done to get rid of that stubborn fat once and for all. What most people don’t know is that liposuction is the perfect treatment to combine with other procedures. Let’s explore what liposuction is and how you can benefit from combining it with other procedures.

Understanding Liposuction

Liposuction is a treatment where fat is surgically removed. However, the procedure is minimally invasive and uses a needle-like device to suction the fat underneath the skin. This means only small incisions are needed instead of having to open up the skin. Liposuction can be used on almost all parts of the body, including the abdomen, neck, buttocks, thighs, chest, back, flanks, hips, chin, face, upper arms, calves, and ankles. It’s important to note that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, and it is only designed to remove around 5 to 10 pounds of fat from the body. Liposuction is the best-taken advantage of by relatively healthy or fit people who have issues with stubborn fat. Let’s take a look at some common treatments you can combine with liposuction.

Liposuction and Fat Transfer

Fat transfers are a procedure where your own fat is taken from a part of your body and then put into another part. This is done to sculpt and shape a certain part of your body and is common in things like breast augmentation and Brazilian butt lifts. A fat transfer is a great treatment to combine with liposuction because they can use the fat they remove during your liposuction procedure and repurpose it for your body.

Liposuction and Abdominoplasty

Liposuction and abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, are often used together to better sculpt the abdomen. A tummy tuck is designed to remove loose skin from the abdomen. If you get liposuction in the abdomen, there is a chance loose skin may occur. This is where your surgeon would likely suggest a tummy tuck be combined with your procedure.

Seeking Treatment

Here at Farris Plastic Surgery, we believe that every procedure is highly customizable. That’s why Dr. Zachary Farris takes the time to provide comprehensive consultation for every patient. Dr. Farris is an award-winning and recognized plastic surgeon who combines expertise, experience, and an artistic approach. If you’re considering liposuction, contact Farris Plastic Surgery at 214-363-1073 today.

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