Which Type of Breast Implant is Best for Me?

A woman with flowing blonde hair wear a white one piece and poses sitting on the floor against a white backgroundIf you are considering breast augmentation, then you may already know that choosing a breast implant size and type is one of the most exciting aspects of the process. You may have an idea of what size you want, but choosing a type can be a little less straightforward if you are just getting started.

The breast implant types are:

  • Saline. These breast implants are filled with saline fluid.
  • Silicone. Silicone implants contain silicone gel.
  • “Gummy bear” or form stable. The most modern silicone breast implants use a cohesive silicone gel. It retains its shape even if you were to slice the gel in half.

The question of which one is best for you isn’t necessarily straightforward. Each woman is unique, as are her breast characteristics and her expectations.

The best way to dig into the best choice is to meet with experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Zachary Farris. With many years of practice, Dr. Farris knows how the various breast implants perform and what our patients say about them. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Deflation. For any implant, tearing and leaking is possible. These situations are harmless, but still require an implant replacement. A saline rupture is obvious because the liquid leaks and the breast essentially deflates. Because silicone implants – especially the gummy bear type – hold their shape even when torn, the rupture may not be obvious, so many people get periodic MRIs to make sure their implants are intact, or get an MRI if something feels off. You may prefer one of these situations over the other.
  • Rippling. Saline implants are prone to rippling and wrinkling, which is something that is visible when you look at your breasts. Silicone gel doesn’t ripple.
  • Natural look and feel. Most people report that silicone implants look and feel the most like natural breasts, which may be an important priority for you. For some women, this is the deciding factor. If you have a lot of breast tissue, that tissue may do a good job of concealing the breast implants, in which case your breast tissue will be doing a lot of the work when it comes to a natural look and feel. But if you have thin breast tissue, it may be important to get an implant that feels like a real breast.

These are just a few aspects to consider. There may be many more. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Farris by calling our team in Dallas, TX, at 214-363-1073.

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