Look and Feel Younger with a Brow Lift

The way you look and the way you feel can be drastically different. This is especially the case when a person has developed excess skin and wrinkles on their forehead. When a person has these conditions on their forehead, especially right above their eyes, it can give the impression that they are grumpy and tired. The truth of the matter is that these individuals might be the happiest and most energetic people in the world, but because of the effect that aging has had on their brow, no one would know it. This is why many individuals have opted to have a brow lift.

A brow lift, often called a forehead lift, is plastic surgery that is designed to lift up your brow. The procedure can undo or minimize the appearance of furrows in your brow. It can undo that angry or tired look. The procedure is designed to lift your skin, tighten your brow muscles and make your eyebrows less droopy overall. There are a lot of techniques that may be used to perform a brow lift, depending on the type of correction you need and the amount of correction you need, among other factors.

Generally speaking, there is no age limit for a brow lift. Some people have one done when they are relatively young. Others will have one done when they are in their fifties. The thing is that for some people, having a sagging brow is genetic. It’s something that they got from their parents, and so it begins to show itself at a younger age. These individuals may want to have the procedure done early on in life.

A brow lift has the potential to change your life. It can help to ensure that your face only says about you what you want it to say. During a consultation at the office of Zachary Farris, MD, you can get all the facts about this procedure and how it may help you to look and feel younger. Our team would be happy to address whatever questions or concerns you may have about the procedure.

The office of Zachary Farris, MD, our double board-certified plastic surgeon, is conveniently located in Dallas, TX. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to learn more about a brow lift!

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